
Showing posts from January, 2013

a woman to-be

salam and evening uollsss! huhu. tak penah kot panggil 'uollss'. buang tebiat. how are you ? hope you are in pink of health okayy :) well, few days ago i am sick. high fever. i felt like i am totally survive to be myself. the sickness that you would never ever felt before. macam nak mati like seriously. tapi Alhamdulillah segalanya beransur pulih and i hope selepas ni segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. tak sedih, tapi i rase happy! maybe sebab this moment is the moment whereby i have a complete set of family :) even we are not go for a vacation like past years, but this new begin of 2013 really bring me into the real woman world. recently, i selalu post pasal real world, real life kan, tapi i pun taktahu nak explain macam mane. mungkin, when we are matured we are think seriously for the future. right ? refer to my post title, i think i am in the path whereby a woman to-be. i am 21 years old. that's not the reason that i am a woman to-be. ececece macam boleh tukar name pla...

live a life

salam :) agak tak penah dibuat insan bernama Adrara untuk post waktu cam ni. tapi ape boleh buat :) now, i downed again. love, isn't clear ? i taktahu laaa how much tough should i be when it comes to this part. banyak waktuwaktu sukar yang i perlu tempuh sekarang and now, i putus cinta. dia yang tinggalkan i. even my close friends ask me, i just said 'what should i do'. yes, that's the best answer. what should i do.  i have to stdy my license test, my muet test. and now, THIS! I AM stress! semua orang tak percaya. yelah, sebelum ni how strong i be to defend our love, but now. i taktahu nak cakap ape. die dah buat keputusan. man, bila buat keputusan itulah muktamadnye. cumaaa, i tak boleh nak patah balik. hati i btolbtol dah kecewa, putus asa. i think SILENT is the best medicine ever! he left me because he cannot wait for me until i get degree. 5 years. what is love for you honestly ? where is the word of sacrifice ? hurgh! i cuma boleh bfikir untuk be tough. i ta...



a new begin of 2013

salam :) as a new year, everyone have new intention. this new begin of 2013 have made me to be strong! haish. i have to get tough, but i can say, i don't see where does the spirit gone ? am i not qualified or because of the destiny ? am i not work hard enough ? it is horrible than words! i masih ingat kata kata SHER, insyaallah ade rezeki, cuma cepat dengan lambat jea. i can say that i am a bit rush to seek for the result, i want it to move faster as i can planned my future things. but, as human, we are planned but it His decision.  i taktahu nak buat apa lagi, and takde dalam senarai list-to-do. seriously! jealous sangat dengan kawankawam poli i yang dulu yang dapat tawaran stdy degree. mungkin masa i lambat or i dahh sampai seru kawin ? hehe. ntahlaaa. well, my parents advised me to try again next time, because Allah never failed his servant, moreover if his servant has work hard for it. i just keep silence. maybe, ni masa nyaa untuk i berdiam. i taktahu lagi nak buat ape. mu...