a new begin of 2013

salam :) as a new year, everyone have new intention. this new begin of 2013 have made me to be strong! haish. i have to get tough, but i can say, i don't see where does the spirit gone ? am i not qualified or because of the destiny ? am i not work hard enough ? it is horrible than words! i masih ingat kata kata SHER, insyaallah ade rezeki, cuma cepat dengan lambat jea. i can say that i am a bit rush to seek for the result, i want it to move faster as i can planned my future things. but, as human, we are planned but it His decision. 

i taktahu nak buat apa lagi, and takde dalam senarai list-to-do. seriously! jealous sangat dengan kawankawam poli i yang dulu yang dapat tawaran stdy degree. mungkin masa i lambat or i dahh sampai seru kawin ? hehe. ntahlaaa.

well, my parents advised me to try again next time, because Allah never failed his servant, moreover if his servant has work hard for it. i just keep silence. maybe, ni masa nyaa untuk i berdiam. i taktahu lagi nak buat ape. mungkin kerja ? lepas tuu apa ? sambung pjj or kawen ? hmm, ntahlaaa. i btol btol berserah. taktahu macam mana nak cakap betapa down nye i rase sekarang. bile my close friend tanya, i cume cakap. i tak dapat, then i'll keep silence. haish. what to do ? i just hoping there's a good sign to grasp :) pray for me. salam :)

that's all folks!


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