live a life

salam :) agak tak penah dibuat insan bernama Adrara untuk post waktu cam ni. tapi ape boleh buat :) now, i downed again. love, isn't clear ? i taktahu laaa how much tough should i be when it comes to this part. banyak waktuwaktu sukar yang i perlu tempuh sekarang and now, i putus cinta. dia yang tinggalkan i. even my close friends ask me, i just said 'what should i do'.
yes, that's the best answer. what should i do. 
i have to stdy my license test, my muet test. and now, THIS! I AM stress!

semua orang tak percaya. yelah, sebelum ni how strong i be to defend our love, but now. i taktahu nak cakap ape. die dah buat keputusan. man, bila buat keputusan itulah muktamadnye. cumaaa, i tak boleh nak patah balik. hati i btolbtol dah kecewa, putus asa. i think SILENT is the best medicine ever!

he left me because he cannot wait for me until i get degree. 5 years. what is love for you honestly ?
where is the word of sacrifice ? hurgh! i cuma boleh bfikir untuk be tough. i tak sangka sampai sini jea die boleh tunggu i, i ingatkan ade pengorbanan dalam cinta dia, rupanya takda. he's chose his life neither than i. 

so, get up ADRARA because you have to face your real dreams journey now. jyeahh! 

that's all folks.
salam, thanks for reading.


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