Just Married but not so called Newlywed

As most of you know thru my instagram, i am married on 6th July this year. Many things happened. Happy sad dissappointed and all. It is short months but its feel like a year already. The day after my reception on 7th July, my father has been admitted to the hospital for 22 days approximately for main brain bleeding(rupture). It happened when my husband and i decided to go to Malacca for a short honeymoon since we had to go back to KL on Wednesday and prepared for Second Reception in Subang. We arrived Malacca around 3pm to check in at The Hatten Hotel, unfortunately we got called from MakLong around 7pm. She said, my father is in emergency unit now. I was not expecting it will be too serious at that moment since this is the second time he got admitted in this year. I called my sister, she cried and said my father had stroke. I was paused at that moment and looked at my husband. He looked at me waiting for my explanation. I told him, my father got stroke and we rushed back to Kuala Pilah. Arrived at HTAN, i saw all of my family members is there and i look at my mom face and i fainted. Yes. I fainted. 
Now, my father is already two weeks back at home and still bed ridden. He got moves his body but still unable to sit by himself yet. 
Back to my newlywed story. We literally had cancelled our honeymoon trip on this september on the cruise. And no short vacation from the reception day until now. I only meet my husband on weekends if he came back hometown and thanks to Allah, thru all the hardship in these short period of time, ive got pregnant. 
We may suffer a bit because it is long distanced marriage, however this relationship keeps us stronger day by day and make us understand each other more. 
For now, i am taking unpaid leave and staying hometown to take care of my father. 
Moral of all readers, regardless how precious and valuable your works or position, do not neglected your  parents. Soon, youll be parents, you mustnt wanted your child left you when you sick right ? So be grateful while you still has a chance to talk with tour parents and share everything. 
Allah is the best planner afterall. Everything happens for a reason. 


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