Happy One Year Working in DHL


Apologize for the laziness in writing. It has been long time! Sekarang baru rajin nak update. Tomorrow on 3rd July would be the 1 year for me working in DHL Malaysia. Yassss! it is a good thing for me because previously I've been wondering whether it is just me who really can't fit working as an employee or it is just 'the company environment'. Well tough me!(patting myself) Hehe.

For those who know me had taking Master in Business Administration before, I had withdrawn master two years ago even without finishing it. I got warmth wishing from my ex classmate and senior to pursue my career and InsyaAllah if there is still a chance I would continue my passion in study again. Hoping after married! 

I started working in DHL on July 3rd 2017, which I never imagined that I could stay this long(long enough for me). Previously I've been working like 3-4 months only in a company. And I could say, I tried every different jobs tho. I've tried sales & marketing, banking customer service, retailing and administration. I never knew that I would chose to be a data entry person from all of the jobs! It was an easy jobs at the first place and it turns out to be more tough now since I had to meet the cut off every day. Also, the bonus really means a lot!! it is every month for you, then hell yeah I need to get it. Ever since it is 'Work Hard Pay Hard'. yes! absolutely no play hard but pay hard.

Normally people would say, you got a good qualification, but then you end up on data entry ? Look, how poor your thought is ? Every jobs has its own easy and hard point, even cooking is hard ain't it ? you might get the taste you like in cooking while you end up taste salty in it. Being fast in typing all 8 hours in working is hard. Being focus in typing without a mistake is hard. Even in real life everyday you make a mistake, how would you not make a mistake in typing.Well writing is hard, if not i would not use button to click on rather than manually writing with a pen. I amazed with the person whom still do writing the diary manually. How patience you are babe! 

DHL is a recommended company from my friend, and I did received two other jobs DHL which is as a graduate Admin and Service Desk, both in Cyberjaya which I stayed before. The pay is high but Allah knew all, there is a reason why I can't accept the jobs at that point of time and my chance in DHL is bigger when I accepted to be as a Data Management person (data entry). The pay is high than working in bank (junior degree level). DHL is a very good company and I really feel comfortable the moment I stepped in the typing test room. HAHA. The people is very co-operative and kind, the bosses is good and very easy to talk to. In every company you work with, work with the bosses who can easy to approach and humble because then you can feel the comfortable to sustain in your working environment. it could bring enrichment in jobs tho. Thankfully I got a big team members that you can go for lepaking and cursing too, because they'll curse you too. ok that was harsh. Sorry.
That is how I want to tell you how close we are. you can talk like anything with them. We go futsall together, badminton on  every Saturday and movie together sometimes!The office turns like in a noisy school rooms when our shift started. How chatty. opss, that's not me.You think ?
FIRST DAY OF RAYA. yes we dont mind working on raya :)


till the next post!

lots of love,
Adrara Lim


Anonymous said…
Yesssss. Hidup USGM
Anonymous said…
Fake. Hahaha happy working at USGM. 😏

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