Not a funny matter-single

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Hi and Assalammualaikum

khas buat sesiapa yang mengenali i and buat orang yang tak mengenali i. I am 26 years old this year and still single and not available. haha. which means, i have someone there for me but we're in the midst of preparing ourself before updating a bigger plan. For me 26 y/o is a big number since I cannot be called 90's babies anymore(born in 1991). What I meant is, 26 years old nowdays dah ramai kawankawan i yang dah kawin, baru kawin or anak dah 2 or 3 sekarang but here I am still single.

Would you call this as stress ? Yes, somehow. I don't really feel stress actually when I back at hometown because none of my family members would ask how come you are still not married. I guess they understand it and among my family we did not married in early age. The most nervous moment is when your friends ask you, when you are getting married and 4 years in a relationship is a bigger number tho. Any how, even the single person ask you that question. I almost ask them back when would you have girlfriend/boyfriend ? HAHA. Funny but not really. I could not spill it because I know they will feel terrible like me at the first place. Even for my officemate, I don't even feel awkward because they didn't even ask the question. I guess because they are all same single like me. Some of my married or engagement friend will terrifyingly super duper exciting when some of our friends getting married or engage with ignorance face to the single person like me. It was harsh actually but I am used to it. Just so you know. But hey, I can understand it because it is exciting to hear the good news right (exceptional somehow).

Sapa yang taknak kawin babe ?

the reason behind this, everyone has it destined time on getting married but it is just the matter of time. Like me, I've just getting a suits job for me(already 4 months) and trying to stabilize my financial. Every person is different. You cannot try to understand others by putting yours as a role model. No such things. I tak faham kenapa kena cepatcepat kawin ? you and me is totally different mate. You can give thousand of bombastic support words, but me myself and I am struggling right now. Come to think about it. They said, Mens should saved(savings financially) the money for their women, but did your friends give their money to support your wedding event ? I don't think so. My parents is way differences from your parents that would support your whole wedding budget. Because they didn't. They earned the money for their wedding so do their children will be. Would you think about the loan ? For me, nope. Because who is going to pay for it ? me. exactly a big NO. why would rush it when you are not financially ready ?

in the end of these. I just want people to understand people.
till next post.

That's all folks :)


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