Assalammualaikum and HAPPY FASTING to all Muslims.

Peace upon to you all 👧👦

How was your day so far ? I've been not updated this blog years maybe ? I could not remember and so lazy to check. HEHE. by the way, even takde yang tanya, still I nak bagitahu that I am doing great. I am enjoying a tough life and a new chapter that really made me matured as my age laaaaa. This September will be my 26th ! goshhh, how time flies. 

Well, i graduated last year on NOVEMBER with Bachelor of Business Administrative. Not been enough to thank all the lecturers and friends that help me through thick and thin of University's Life. Praise to Allah, who never doubted my strengths in every hardships with beautiful Rahmah and Rezeki. This time was so special because I graduated with first class and Deputy Chancellor Awards. An awards that I really hoping for all of this years of my life. Its all started when I saw one of my friend posted a picture with caption she wore a different scarf's color than her friends and she did not even tell her parents, whose came for the convocation ceremony that she got the Deputy Chancellor Awards. What inspired me is since high school she was a clever girl (i still can hear lagu clever girl rancangan TV3 inside of my head every time i said this word) and she carries that way until University. that was really awesome! 

I've been saw some people doing a great result for their high school but then, didn't managed to score as great as in their University. What i meant it happens in my surrounding. (I don't say for overall of the people in this whole wide world). Well, if you don't have a great result doesn't mean that you will not get a great job. A great job is a huge definition. It rely on how you think what a great job for you tho. 

Like one of my cousins, he doesn't have a good SPM result, even more he didn't further study but what really made he got a great job is he has double works. he has a permanent and part-time jobs. He got some skills in mechanic and open a small workshop nearby his house. Guess what, He owned two houses, a big motorcycle (i don't know the name of trending big motor nowadays) and a Toyota car. 

till we share again :)


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