assalammualaikum wahai penjengah blog :) hello hello. haa macam ceria plak sekarang.
today, i would like to write about BOYFRIEND/s. well, mesti tertanya tanyakan boyfriend a.k.a kawan lelaki or teman lelaki (spouse). i nak write about both of that meaning. first, mari bercerita pasal boyFRIEND a.k.a kawan lelaki. pernah dengar tak lelaki dan perempuan tak boleh jadi kawan baik. i punya percent of trust on this is half. because, based on my experience i pernah rasa both feelings. kadang-kadang bila kita hanya anggap lelaki tersebut sebagai kawan sahaja mesti yang lelaki plak akan ada perasaan terpendam kat kawan perempuannya. and same goes to the other one. kan ? tak salah punn nak ada feeling of love dengan kawan lelaki sendiri as long as both of them tahu batas antara kawan and spouse. right ? ok ni dah macam kekeliruan dahh niiiiii. ok. let be this. i pernah ad sorang kawan perempuan yang kawan baiknya seorang lelaki. tanpa dia taktahu, kawan laki dia ni suka kat dia. but unfortunately, si perempuan ni dah ada spouse, but then they still stick as a bestfriend until now. even i believe both of them have same feelings, but still the girl wanted to be royal to his spouse.

next, boyfriends which is spouse. well, i nak kongsi sikit my experienced in this. my boyfriend was my bestfriend :) i tak pernah terfikir pun untuk jadi macam ni, but entahlah. i taktahu if dia jodoh i or apa cause i still stand on the path in front of me. kalau serong jalan tuu ke orang lain, the wind goes by that too. ade pros and cons with this matter. macam i, sekarang things goes so sweet (both hands melekap kat pipi sambil kelip kelip mata) hahaha. ouhh baru ingat, yesterday was our second month being as lover. bila couple dengan best friends sendiri ni best sangat sebab dia dah faham gila kita macam mane and how's ugly we are. dimata bestfriend kita mestilah nampak even how ugly we are, they still look we are pretty enough. so mari couple dengan best friend sendiri. mihihi. okay itu gurau jea. in this meantime, he's my boyfriend and bestfriend :) another thing that i would like to advise to the girls out there for not to be so royal. i meant, tak perlu laaa nak taat sangat sampai keluar pun kena report dengan boyfriend tapi tak report pun nak kuar kat parents, nak dengar semua cakap boyfriend. if they advised on a good side and keep remains priority to our parents first then he is a good spouse to you. but is asik nak dengar cakap dia and ikut kemahuan dia jeaa. hmmm ( jangan manjakan sangat boyfriend ni uolllsss) hihihi. my father pernah pesan kat i, jangan perempuan cari lelaki biar lelaki cari perempuan cause perempuan ni insan yang lemah that's why lelaki kena pertimbangkan katakata perempuan supaya hormat menghormati tuu penting. hmmm. paham ke apa i tulis niii ? hehehe. hope faham lerrrr.
selagi we are not married, syurga ditelapak kaki ibu, so parents is first of all okay :)

that's all folks.
thanks for reading.
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