survival Part 1

hi ! and Assalammualaikum :)
sehat semua ? lama tak update. sebulan sekali plak tuu update. malas tahap gaban. padahal banyak aje stori mori naik lari nak share. thanks atas support readers sume (ecece macam famous je). hehe.

well, blog lame, buku baru kan. sekarang waktu siang i keje, malam duk ruma jea. kadang kadang memang bosan sebab routine yang sama jea, tapi apa boleh buat. Alhamdulillah i realize that i've given  an opportunity to live until now. yesterday case, really trapped me! i will be more wisely next time. alright, stop mumble! i takde pape sangat nak stori hari ni, sebab banyak idea dahh hilang. hoho. i just met this one person which is he is advised me to be a respectful child to parents, bukann bermaksud i ni tak hormat parents i tapi kadangkadang we needs and advise to remains everything surround us.

and sekarang baru i tahu macam mane people around me survive to get better life. i bukan dari keluarga berada, diraja apa tah lagi. tapi this life now teach me how to survive if we are not rich-i meant really rich person. we have a lots of money but it use to run the business. i taknak cakap who i love. sebab i masih muda and banyak benda i belum capai dalam hidup. once the decision have made i akan bagitahu. nanti orang cakap i tukartukar plak. memang i dah ade boyfriend, tapi tak perlu laa diceritakan sebab nanti macam menjengkelkan pulokk. 

ok laaaa, be wise as possible as you can. that's all folks!
thanks for read, FOLLOW and comment if you like :)


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