hi there. woot! lame gila tak post after blog i kena hacked. so untuk blog ni i lebih berhati hati. insyaallah takde lagi benda benda gila macam tu. try to imagined if your arts gone someday like mine. pheww! memang pressure. btw, thanks to readers yang still support i. well, i sekarang mungkin akan jadi full time writer or... i don't know. hehe. i meant, maybe :) sekarang i sibuk untuk uruskan macam macam to get in the better path. uruskan hal nak sambung degree. memang i feel regardless sebab lambat ambil muet and intake februari ni pulak sikit sangat programmes that have been offered. big thanks to kawan kawan yang tolong hebahkan berita no pin dah bukak ape sume tuu laaa kan. within this week i have been saw many kind of people, i mean the attitude. i taktahu laa kenapa this week i asyik jumpa jea dengan manusia jenis ni. they are all lying and pretending to be nice in front of others but they are adverse actually. i hope dieorang berubah even my mom always r...
Assalammualaikum Apologize for the laziness in writing. It has been long time! Sekarang baru rajin nak update. Tomorrow on 3rd July would be the 1 year for me working in DHL Malaysia. Yassss! it is a good thing for me because previously I've been wondering whether it is just me who really can't fit working as an employee or it is just 'the company environment'. Well tough me!(patting myself) Hehe. For those who know me had taking Master in Business Administration before, I had withdrawn master two years ago even without finishing it. I got warmth wishing from my ex classmate and senior to pursue my career and InsyaAllah if there is still a chance I would continue my passion in study again. Hoping after married! I started working in DHL on July 3rd 2017, which I never imagined that I could stay this long(long enough for me). Previously I've been working like 3-4 months only in a company. And I could say, I tried every different jobs tho. I've tried...
Hi and Assalammualaikum :) Kali ni aku nak review movie plak iaitu BATTLEFIELD ISLAND. nak bagitahu awalawal bagi yang tak tahu cerita ni dalam bahasa KOREA and JEPUN. so semua yang peminat kpop and jpop haruslah tengok :) Cerita ni mengisahkan kejadian pengeboman HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI di Jepun oleh tentera Amerika Syarikat. aku bukanlah peminat sangat pun cerita sejarah sejarah ni tapi pergi tengok sebab ada Song Jong Ki jeee. After tengok Descendents of the Sun suka gila tgok cerita korea yang so manly macam ni. hehe. Casting as below : Song Jong Ki as Park Moo Young Hwang Jung Min as Lee Kang Ok So Ji Sub as Choi Chil Sung Lee Jung Hyun as Oh Mal Nyeon Kim Su An as Lee So Hee Movie ni bukanlah hanya sejarah and tak kelakar. Bagi aku ade part la yang kelakar and mostly between Lee Kang-Ok and Lee So Hee. Lee So Hee pelakon kanak-kanak tuuu which sangat talented. Cerita ni menceritakan orang-orang Korea dikerah oleh Pihak Jepun untuk menjadi buruh kasar di Lo...